2023 Nobile Flying Carpet Kiteboard

2023 Nobile Flying Carpet Kiteboard


SIZE (CM): 160x46

WHY Flying Carpet 2023:

2023 Flying Carpet is great Nobile low wind machine and also school gear for all begginers.

Flying Carpet’s dimensions allow it to get going in the light wind even if the user is heavier or a beginner. The size and flat rocker combined with the Wavy Channels system create less friction and make the first steps way easier. Asymetrical banana shape createss great upwind abilities.



APS Technology added Pre-stress
Prestressing means the intentional creation of initial tension in a structure for the purpose of improving its strength properties.In kiteboarding, pre-stress allows the board to be loaded with energy during production. Storing the energy inside the board makes it a bit more stiff and much more torsion resistant, which results in astonishing POP. Pre-Stress technology also allows us to build thinner and lighter boards, yet still more durable.

CAV - Complete Anti-Vibration Technology
By using advanced core materials, laminates and variable flex zones, we managed to eliminate almost all vibrations that occur during the ride.CAV not only makes the ride smoother and faster, but also provides exceptional grip in all conditions.

Dynamic Asymmetrical Shape
Designed around the Human Concept, to enhance your performance and work in harmony with your body. We have tailored the outline of the heel side rail to provide more grip, better upwind performance and maximum POP. On the weaker toe side, the curve radius is increased to improve the carving potential and comfort. At the same time DAS decreases the foot pressure necessary to hold an edge.

AirLight Core
The backbone of our tech advanced large surface boards. A blend of superlight core materials and wood, developed to reduce the overal weight of the kiteboard.

There is no better material for a board core than wood. With its harmonious characteristic, combining strength, flex, light weight and vibration damping, wood is still the uncrowned king of core materials.

This layout of fibers transfers power directly to the edges and creates perfect flex. As a result the board features aggressive filling, quick response and harmonious flexibility.

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